Call Structural Variants using NAIBR
(like indels, insertions, duplications)
- at least 4 cores/threads available
- sequence alignments: .bam coordinate-sorted
- genome assembly in FASTA format: .fasta .fa .fasta.gz .fa.gz case insensitive
- optional phased VCF file
sample grouping file (
see below )
This file is optional and only useful if you want variant calling to happen on a per-population level.
- takes the format of sample
- spaces can be used as delimeters too
- the groups can be numbers or text (i.e. meaningful population names)
- you can comment out lines with
for Harpy to ignore them - create with harpy popgroup or manually
- if created with
harpy popgroup
, all the samples will be assigned to group
- make sure to edit the second column to reflect your data correctly.
sample1 pop1
sample2 pop1
sample3 pop2
sample4 pop1
sample5 pop3
#sample6 pop4
known quirk
There's an unusual error on the Snakemake side of things that happens when the name of a sample and population are identical.
It has been unclear how to resolve this issue, so to protect yourself, it's best to make sure the population names are different
from the sample names. A simple fix would be to use underscores (_
) to differentiate the population name.
After reads have been aligned, e.g. with
align bwa
, you can use those alignment files
) to call structural variants in your data using NAIBR. While our testing shows that
NAIBR tends to find known inversions that LEVIATHAN misses, the program requires haplotype
phased bam files as input. That means the alignments have a PS
or HP
tag that indicate
which haplotype the read/alignment belongs to. If your alignments don't have phasing tags (none of the current aligners in Harpy do this),
then you will need to do a little extra work for NAIBR to work best with your data. This process is described below.
harpy sv naibr OPTIONS... INPUTS...
# input bams already phased
harpy sv naibr --threads 20 --genome genome.fasta Align/bwa
# input bams require phasing
harpy sv naibr --threads 20 --genome genome.fasta --vcf Variants/data.vcf.gz Align/bwa
Running Options
In addition to the common runtime options , the sv naibr module is configured using these command-line arguments:
Molecule distance
The --molecule-distance
option is used to let the program determine how far apart alignments on a contig with the same
barcode can be from each other and still considered as originating from the same DNA molecule. See
haplotag data for more information on what this value does.
Single-sample variant calling
When not using a population grouping file via --populations
, variants will be called per-sample.
Due to the nature of structural variant VCF files, there isn't an entirely fool-proof way
of combining the variants of all the samples into a single VCF file, therefore the output will be a VCF for every sample.
Pooled-sample variant calling
With the inclusion of a population grouping file via --populations
, Harpy will merge the bam files of all samples within a
population and call variants on these alignment pools. Preliminary work shows that this way identifies more variants and with fewer false
positives. However, individual-level information gets lost using this approach, so you will only be able to assess
group-level variants, if that's what your primary interest is.
a little lifehack
If you have a small number of samples (~10 or fewer) that you are interested in comparing the results of structural variant calling for,
you can provide a sample grouping file via --populations
where each sample is its own population and Harpy will output a report
comparing "populations" as usual. Keep in mind that if there are too many samples, the formatting of the reports might not render
it too well.
Optional vcf file
In order to get the best variant calling performance out of NAIBR, it requires phased bam files as input.
Using --vcf
is optional and not used by NAIBR directly. However, to use
sv naibr
bam files that are not phased, you will need to include a phased VCF file with --vcf
, which Harpy uses with
whatshap haplotag
to phase your input BAM files prior to variant calling. See the whatshap documentation
for more details on that process.
a phased input --vcf
This file can be in vcf/vcf.gz/bcf format and most importantly it must be phased haplotypes. There are various ways to haplotype SNPs, but you can use harpy phase to phase your SNPs into haplotypes using the haplotag barcode information. The resulting phased VCF file can then be used as input here. Your VCF file should be filtered in some capacity to keep high quality data.
--- title: Calling variants with NAIBR, starting with unphased alignments --- graph LR subgraph id2 ["You do this part"] aln[alignments]:::clean-->|harpy snp|snps([SNPs]):::clean snps-->|bcftools filter -i 'QUAL>95' ...|filt([filtered SNPs]):::clean filt-->|harpy phase|phase([phased haplotypes]):::phase end id2-->|harpy sv naibr|id1 subgraph id1 ["Harpy does this part"] phase2([phased haplotypes]):::phase-->|whatshap haplotag|aln2:::clean aln2([phased alignments])-->|NAIBR|results((structural variants)):::clean end style id1 fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:2px style id2 fill:#dfe3ee,stroke:#c8ccd6,stroke-width:2px classDef phase fill:#b7c9ef,stroke:#dfe3ee,stroke-width:2px classDef clean fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#b7c9ef,stroke-width:2px
NAIBR workflow
Naibr is a variant caller that uses linked read barcode information
to call structural variants (indels, inversions, etc.) exclusively, meaning it does not call SNPs. The original
authors of Naibr have not been updating or improving it, so Harpy uses an active fork
of it that is available on Bioconda under the name naibr-plus
This fork includes improved accuracy as well as quality-of-life updates.
graph LR subgraph id1 ["Phase"] aln[unphased alignments]:::clean---vcf[phased VCF]:::clean end id1-->phased([phased alignments]):::clean subgraph id2 ["Population calling"] popsplit([merge by population]):::clean end phased-->id2 popsplit-->A phased-->A A([index alignments]):::clean --> B([NAIBR]):::clean Z([create config file]):::clean --> B popsplit --> Z phased --> Z style id2 fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:2px style id1 fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:2px classDef clean fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#b7c9ef,stroke-width:2px
The default output directory is SV/naibr
with the folder structure below. sample1
and sample2
are generic sample
names for demonstration purposes.
The resulting folder also includes a workflow
directory (not shown) with workflow-relevant runtime files and information.
├── deletions.bedpe
├── duplications.bedpe
├── inversions.bedpe
├── bedpe
│ ├── sample1.bedpe
│ └── sample2.bedpe
├── configs
│ ├── sample1.config
│ └── sample2.config
├── filtered
│ ├── sample1.fail.bedpe
│ └── sample2.fail.bedpe
├── IGV
│ ├── sample1.reformat.bedpe
│ └── sample2.reformat.bedpe
├── logs
│ ├── sample1.log
│ └── sample2.log
├── reports
│ ├── sample1.naibr.html
│ └── sample2.naibr.html
└── vcf
├── sample1.vcf
└── sample2.vcf
By default, Harpy runs naibr
with these parameters (excluding inputs and outputs):
min_mapq = 30
min_sv = 100000
k = 2
d = 100000
Below is a list of all naibr
runtime options, excluding those Harpy already uses or those made redundant by Harpy's implementation of NAIBR.
These are taken directly from the NAIBR documentation. If adding these arguments, do so in quotes:
harpy sv naibr -x "candidates duplications.bedpe" data/alignments/*
-blacklist: BED-file with regions to be excluded from analysis
-candidates: BEDPE-file with novel adjacencies to be scored by NAIBR. This will override automatic detection of candidate novel adjacencies
These are the summary reports Harpy generates for this workflow. You may right-click the image and open it in a new tab if you wish to see the example in better detail.
Summarizes the count and type of structural variants and visualizes their locations on
the chromosomes. Calling variants on population-pooled samples will instead report on populations.