Simulate Genomic Data
You may be interested in benchmarking variant detection or maybe just trying out haplotagging data without any financial commitment-- that's where simulations come in handy.
Simulate Genomic Variants
Harpy lets you simulate genomic variants via simulate {snpindel,inversion,...} for different variant types such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), indels, inversions, copy number variants (CNV), and translocations. All you need is to provide a genome to simulate those variants onto.
Simulate Haplotag Linked-Reads
You can also simulate haplotag-style linked reads from an existing genome using simulate linkedreads . Harpy incorporates LRSIM to generate linked reads from a diploid genomic. If you only have a haploid genome, then you can create a diploid genome by simulating variants into it with simulate {snpindel,inversion,...} .