# Quality Trim Sequences

  • at least 2 cores/threads available
  • paired-end fastq sequence files gzip recommended
    • sample names: a-z 0-9 . _ - case insensitive
    • forward: _F .F .1 _1 _R1_001 .R1_001 _R1 .R1
    • reverse: _R .R .2 _2 _R2_001 .R2_001 _R2 .R2
    • fastq extension: .fq .fastq .FQ .FASTQ

Raw sequences are not suitable for downstream analyses. They have sequencing adapters, index sequences, regions of poor quality, etc. The first step of any genetic sequence analyses is to remove these adapters and trim poor quality data. You can remove adapters, remove duplicates, deconvolve, and quality trim sequences using the qc module:

harpy qc OPTIONS... INPUTS...
harpy qc --threads 20 Sequences_Raw/ 

# Running Options

In addition to the common runtime options , the qc module is configured using these command-line arguments:

argument short name type default required description
INPUTS file/directory paths ‼️ Files or directories containing input FASTQ files
--deconvolve -c toggle Resolve barcode clashes between reads from different molecules
--deconvolve-params -p (int,int,int,int) (21,40,3,0) Accepts the QuickDeconvolution parameters for k,w,d,a, in that order
--deduplicate -d toggle Identify and remove PCR duplicates recommended
--extra-params -x string Additional fastp arguments, in quotes
--min-length -n integer 30 Discard reads shorter than this length
--max-length -m integer 150 Maximum length to trim sequences down to
--trim-adapters -a toggle Detect and remove adapter sequences recommended

By default, this workflow will only quality-trim the sequences. You can also opt-in to:

  • recommended find and remove sequencing adapters
  • recommended find and remove PCR duplicates
  • resolve situations where reads from different molecules have the same barcode (see deconvolve )

# QC Workflow

Fastp is an ultra-fast all-in-one adapter remover, deduplicator, and quality trimmer. Harpy uses it to remove adapters, low-quality bases, and trim sequences down to a particular length (default 150bp). Harpy uses the fastp overlap analysis to identify adapters for removal and a sliding window approach (--cut-right) to identify low quality bases. The workflow is quite simple.

graph LR
    subgraph Inputs
        F[FASTQ files]:::clean
    A([fastp]) --> B([count barcodes]):::clean
    style Inputs fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:2px
    classDef clean fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#b7c9ef,stroke-width:2px

The default output directory is QC with the folder structure below. Sample1 and Sample2 are generic sample names for demonstration purposes. The resulting folder also includes a workflow directory (not shown) with workflow-relevant runtime files and information.

├── Sample1.R1.fq.gz
├── Sample1.R2.fq.gz
├── Sample2.R1.fq.gz
├── Sample2.R2.fq.gz
├── reports
│   ├── Sample1.html
│   ├── Sample2.html
│   ├── summary.bx.valid.html
│   └── trim.report.html
└── logs
    ├── err
    │   ├── Sample1.log
    │   └── Sample2.log
    └── json
        ├── Sample1.fastp.json
        └── Sample2.fastp.json
item description
*.R1.fq.gz quality trimmed forward reads of the samples
*.R1.fq.gz quality trimmed reverse reads of the samples
logs/ all debug/diagnostic files that aren't the trimmed reads fastp creates
logs/err what fastp prints to stderr when running
reports/*.html interactive html reports fastp creates from quality trimming
reports/trim.report.html a report generated by multiqc summarizing the quality trimming results
reports/summary.bx.valid.html a report detailing valid vs invalid barcodes and the segments causing invalidation
logs/json json representation of the data fastp uses to create the html reports

By default, Harpy runs fastp with these parameters (excluding inputs and outputs):

fastp --trim_poly_g --cut_right

The list of all fastp command line options is quite extensive and would be cumbersome to print here. See the list of options in the fastp documentation.

These are the summary reports Harpy generates for this workflow. You may right-click the images and open them in a new tab if you wish to see the examples in better detail.

fastp reports
Trimming and QC
BX validation

Reports of all QC activities performed by fastp (fastp creates this)


Aggregates the metrics FASTP generates for every sample during QC.


Reports the number of valid/invalid barcodes in the sequences and the segments contributing to invalidation.
