# Impute Genotypes using Sequences

  • at least 4 cores/threads available
  • a tab-delimited parameter file
  • sequence alignments: .bam coordinate-sorted
    • sample names: a-z 0-9 . _ - case insensitive
  • a variant call format file: .vcf .vcf.gz .bcf

To work well with STITCH, Harpy needs the input variant call file to meet specific criteria. Where labelled with automatic , Harpy will perform those curation steps on your input variant call file. Where labelled with manual , you will need to perform these curation tasks yourself prior to running the impute module.

# Variant call file criteria

  1. automatic Biallelic SNPs only
  2. automatic VCF is sorted by position
  3. manual No duplicate positions
    • example to remove duplicate positions
        bcftools norm -D in.vcf -o out.vcf
  4. manual No duplicate sample names
    • count the occurrence of samples
        bcftools query -l file.bcf | sort | uniq -c
    • you will need to remove duplicate samples how you see fit

After variants have been called, you may want to impute missing genotypes to get the most from your data. Harpy uses STITCH to impute genotypes, a haplotype-based method that is linked-read aware. Imputing genotypes requires a variant call file containing SNPs, such as that produced by harpy snp and preferably filtered in some capacity. You can impute genotypes with Harpy using the impute module:

harpy impute OPTIONS... INPUTS...
# create the parameter file 'stitch.params'
harpy imputeparams -o stitch.params 

# run imputation
harpy impute --threads 20 --vcf Variants/mpileup/variants.raw.bcf --parameters stitch.params Align/ema

# Running Options

In addition to the common runtime options , the impute module is configured using these command-line arguments:

argument short name default description
INPUTS required Files or directories containing input BAM files
--extra-params -x Extra arguments to add to STITCH, provided in quotes
--parameters -p required STITCH parameter file (tab-delimited)
--vcf -v required Path to VCF/BCF file
--vcf-samples Use samples present in vcf file for imputation rather than those found the directory (see below)

# Extra STITCH parameters

You may add additional parameters to STITCH by way of the --extra-params (or -x) option. Harpy uses the STITCH.R command-line tool, which requires arguments to be in the form --argument=value, without spaces. Example:

harpy impute -v file.vcf -p stitch.params -t 15 -x "--regionStart=20, --regionEnd=500" Align/ema

# Prioritize the vcf file

Sometimes you want to run imputation on all the samples present in the INPUTS, but other times you may want to only impute the samples present in the --vcf file. By default, Harpy assumes you want to use all the samples present in the INPUTS and will inform you of errors when there is a mismatch between the sample files present and those listed in the --vcf file. You can instead use the --vcf-samples flag if you want Harpy to build a workflow around the samples present in the --vcf file. When using this toggle, Harpy will inform you when samples in the --vcf file are missing from the provided INPUTS.

# Parameter file

Typically, one runs STITCH multiple times, exploring how results vary with different model parameters (explained in next section). The solution Harpy uses for this is to have the user provide a tab-delimited dataframe file where the columns are the 6 STITCH model parameters and the rows are the values for those parameters. The parameter file is required and can be created manually or with harpy imputeparams . If created using harpy, the resulting file includes largely meaningless values that you will need to adjust for your study. The parameter must follow a particular format:

  • tab or comma delimited
  • column order doesn't matter, but all 7 column names must be present
  • header row present with the specific column names below

This file is tab-delimited, note the column names:

name    model   usebx   bxlimit   k       s       nGen
model1    diploid   TRUE    50000    10      5       50
model2    diploid   TRUE    50000   15      10      100
waffles    pseudoHaploid   TRUE    50000   10      1       50

This is the table view of the tab-delimited file, shown here for clarity.

name model useBX bxlimit k s nGen
model1 diploid TRUE 50000 10 5 50
model2 diploid TRUE 50000 15 10 100
waffles pseudoHaploid TRUE 50000 10 1 50

See the section below for detailed information on each parameter. This table serves as an overview of the parameters.

column name accepted values description
name alphanumeric (a-z, 0-9) and -_. Arbitrary name of the parameter set, used to name outputs
model pseudoHaploid, diploid, diploid-inbred The STITCH model/method to use case sensitive
usebx true, false, yes, no Whether to incorporate beadtag information case insensitive
bxlimit ≥ 1 Distance between identical BX tags at which to consider them different molecules
k ≥ 1 Number of founder haplotypes
s ≥ 1 Number of instances of the founder haplotypes to average results over
nGen ≥ 1 Estimated number of generations since founding

# STITCH Parameters

# Which method to use

STITCH uses one of three "methods" reflecting different statistical and biological models:

  • diploid: the best general method with the best statistical properties
    • run time is proportional to the square of k and so may be slow for large, diverse populations
  • pseudoHaploid: uses statistical approximations that makes it less accurate than diploid
    • run time is proportional to k and may be suitable for large, diverse populations
  • diploid-inbred: assumes all samples are completely inbred and as such uses an underlying haplotype based imputation model
    • run time is proportional to k

Each model assumes the samples are diploid and all methods output diploid genotypes and probabilities.

# Use BX barcodes

The useBX parameter is given as a true/false. Simulations suggest including linked-read information isn't helpful in species with short haploblocks (it might makes things worse). So, it's worth trying both options if you aren't sure about the length of haplotype blocks in your species.

The bxlimit parameter is an integer that informs STITCH when alignments with the same barcode on the same contig should be considered as originating from different molecules. This is a common consideration for linked-read analyses and 50kb (50000) is often a reasonable default. A lower value is considered more strict (fewer reads per moleucle) and a higher value is considered more generous (more reads per molecule). You can/should change this value if you have evidence that 50kb isn't appropriate. See haplotag data for a more thorough explanation.

# Number ancestral haplotypes

The k parameter is the number of ancestral haplotypes in the model. Larger K allows for more accurate imputation for large samples and coverages, but takes longer and accuracy may suffer with lower coverage. There's value in in trying a few values of k and assess performance using either external validation, or the distribution of quality scores (e.g. mean / median INFO score). The best k gives you the best performance (accuracy, correlation or quality score distribution) within computational constraints, while also ensuring k is not too large given your sequencing coverage (e.g. try to ensure that each ancestral haplotype gets at least a certain average _X of coverage, like 10X, given your number of samples and average depth).

# Number of ancestral haplotypes to average over

The s parameter controls the number of sets of ancestral haplotypes used and which final results are averaged over. This may be useful for wild or large populations, like humans. The s value should affect RAM and run time in a near-linearly.

# Recombination rate between samples

The nGen parameter controls recombination rate between the sequenced samples and the ancestral haplotypes. It's probably fine to set it to \frac {4 \times Ne} {k} given some estimate of effective population size {Ne} . If you think your population can be reasonably approximated as having been founded some number of generations ago or reduced to 2 \times k that many generations ago, use that generation time estimate. STITCH should be fairly robust to misspecifications of this parameter.

# Imputation Workflow

STITCH is a genotype imputation software developed for use in the R programming language. It has quite a few model parameters that can be tweaked, but HARPY only focuses on a small handful that have the largest impact on the quality of the results. Imputation is performed on a per-contig (or chromosome) level, so Harpy automatically iterates over the contigs present in the input variant call file. Using the magic of Snakemake, Harpy will automatically iterate over these model parameters.

graph LR
    subgraph Inputs
        v[VCF file]:::clean---gen[genome]:::clean
        gen---bam[BAM alignments]:::clean
    B([split contigs]):::clean-->C([keep biallelic SNPs]):::clean
    Inputs-->B & C & G
    C-->D([convert to STITCH format]):::clean
    D-->E([STITCH imputation]):::clean
    E-->F([merge output]):::clean
    G([create file list]):::clean-->E
    style Inputs fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:2px
    classDef clean fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#b7c9ef,stroke-width:2px

The default output directory is Impute with the folder structure below. contig1 and contig2 are generic contig names from an imaginary genome.fasta for demonstration purposes. The directory modelname is a placeholder for whatever name you gave that parameter set in the parameter file's name column. The resulting folder also includes a workflow directory (not shown) with workflow-relevant runtime files and information.

└── modelname
    ├── modelname.bcf
    ├── modelname.bcf.csi
    ├── contigs
    │    ├── contig1.vcf.gz
    │    ├── contig1.vcf.gz.tbi
    │    ├── contig2.vcf.gz
    │    └── contig2.vcf.gz.tbi
    ├── logs
    └── reports
        ├── data
        ├── contig1.modelname.html
        ├── contig2.modelname.html
        └── modelname.summary.html
item description
modelname/modelname.bcf final bcf file of imputed genotypes
modelname/modelname.bcf.csi index of modelname.bcf
modelname/reports/modelname.summary.html report summarizing the results of imputation across contigs
modelname/reports/*.modelname.html summary of STITCH imputation (per contig)
modelname/contigs/*.vcf.gz variants resulting from imputation
modelname/contigs/*.vcf.gz.tbi index of variant file

While you are expected to run STITCH using your own set of configurable parameters as described in the section below, Harpy also runs STITCH with a few fixed parameters:

    bxTagUpperLimit      = 50000,
    niterations          = 40,
    switchModelIteration = 39,
    splitReadIterations  = NA

These are the summary reports Harpy generates for this workflow. You may right-click the images and open them in a new tab if you wish to see the examples in better detail.

STITCH Reports
Imputation Metrics

Aggregates the various outputs of a STITCH run into a single report along with bcftools stats.


Reports how effective STITCH was at genotype imputation.
