# Utilities

Harpy is the sum of its parts and some of those parts are stand-alone scripts used by the workflows that are accessible from within the Harpy conda environment. This page serves to document those scripts, since using them outside of a workflow might be useful too. You can call up the docstring for any one of these utilities by calling the program without any arguments.

# assign_mi.py

assign_mi.py -c cutoff input.bam > output.bam

Assign an MI:i (Molecular Identifier) tag to each barcoded record based on a molecular distance cutoff. Input file must be coordinate sorted. This is similar to deconvolve_alignments.py, except it does not record the deconvolution in the BX tag.

  • unmapped records are discarded
  • records without a BX:Z tag or with an invalid barcode (00 as one of its segments) are presevered but are not assigned an MI:i tag

# bx_stats.py

bx_stats.py input.bam > output.gz

Calculates various linked-read molecule metrics from the (coordinate-sorted) input alignment file. Metrics include (per molecule):

  • number of reads
  • position start
  • position end
  • length of molecule inferred from alignments
  • total aligned basepairs
  • total length of inferred inserts
  • molecule coverage (%) based on aligned bases
  • molecule coverage (%) based on total inferred insert length

# bx_to_end.py

bx_to_end.py input.[fq|bam] > output.[fq.gz|bam]

Parses the records of a FASTQ or BAM file and moves the BX:Z tag, if present, to the end of the record, which makes the data play nice with LRez/LEVIATHAN. During alignment, Harpy will automatically move the BX:Z tag to the end of the alignment record, so that will not require manual intervention.

# check_bam.py

check_bam.py input.bam > output.txt

Parses an aligment file to check:

  • if the sample name matches the RG tag
  • whether BX:Z is the last tag in the record
  • the counts of:
    • total alignments
    • alignments with an MI:i tag
    • alignments without BX:Z tag
    • incorrect BX:Z tag

# check_fastq.py

check_bam.py input.bam > output.txt

Parses a FASTQ file to check if any sequences don't conform to the SAM spec, whether BX:Z: is the last tag in the record, and the counts of:

  • total reads
  • reads without BX:Z tag
  • reads with incorrect BX:Z tag

# concatenate_bam.py

concatenate_bam.py [--bx] file_1.bam file_2.bam...file_N.bam > output.bam
# or #
concatenate_bam.py [--bx] -b bam_files.txt > output.bam

Concatenate records from haplotagged SAM/BAM files while making sure MI tags remain unique for every sample. This is a means of accomplishing the same as samtools cat, except all MI tags are updated so individuals don't have overlapping MI tags (which would mess up all the linked-read data). You can either provide all the files you want to concatenate, or a single file featuring filenames with the -b option. Use the --bx option to also rewrite BX tags such that they are unique for every individual too, although take note that there can only be 96^4 (84,934,656) unique haplotag barcodes and it will raise an error if that number is exceeded.

# count_bx.py

count_bx.py input.fastq > output.txt

Parses a FASTQ file to count:

  • total sequences
  • total number of BX tags
  • number of valid haplotagging BX tags
  • number of invalid BX tags
  • number of invalid BX tag segments (i.e. A00, C00, B00, D00).

# deconvolve_alignments.py

deconvolve_alignments.py -c cutoff input.bam > output.bam

Deconvolve BX-tagged barcodes and assign an MI (Molecular Identifier) tag to each barcoded record based on a molecular distance cutoff. Input file must be coordinate sorted. This is similar to assign_mi.py, except it will also deconvolve the BX tag by hyphenating it with an integer (e.g. A01C25B31D92-2).

  • unmapped records are discarded
  • records without a BX tag or with an invalid barcode (00 as one of its segments) are presevered but are not assigned an MI tag

# depth_windows.py

samtools depth -a file.bam | depth_windows.py windowsize > output.txt

Reads the output of samtools depth -a from stdin and calculates means within windows of a given windowsize.

# haplotag_acbd.py

haplotag_acbd.py output_directory

Generates the BC_{ABCD}.txt files necessary to demultiplex Gen I haplotag barcodes into the specified output_directory.

# infer_sv.py

infer_sv.py file.bedpe [-f fail.bedpe] > outfile.bedpe

Create column in NAIBR bedpe output inferring the SV type from the orientation. Removes variants with FAIL flags and you can use the optional -f (--fail) argument to output FAIL variants to a separate file.

# inline_to_haplotag.py

inline_to_haplotag.py -b <barcodes.txt> -p <prefix> forward.fq.gz reverse.fq.gz

Converts inline nucleotide barcodes in reads to haplotag linked reads with barcodes in BX:Z and OX:Z header tags. The barcodes.txt file can be gzipped and must be in the form of nucleotide-barcode TAB haplotagging-barcode. Example:


# leviathan_bx_shim.py

leviathan_bx_shim.py input.bam > output.bam

Uses the MI tags in input.bam as a point of reference to deconvolve the BX tags by rewriting them as unique, non-hyphenated ACBD tags. This "shim" script is necessary to preprocess a BAM file prior to variant calling in LEVIATHAN because the software relies exclusively on BX tags and does not perform any internal deconvolution.

  • requires input.bam to have MI tags for alignment records
    • all harpy align workflows provide MI tags, but these may not be present if the BAM file was generated by other means.

# make_windows.py

make_windows.py -w <window.size> -m <0,1> input.fasta[.fai] > output.bed

Create a BED file of fixed intervals (-w, --window) from a FASTA or fai file (the kind generated with samtools faidx). Nearly identical to bedtools makewindows, except the intervals are nonoverlapping. The -m (--mode) option specified whether indexing starts at 0 or 1.

# molecule_coverage.py

molecule_coverage.py -f genome.fasta.fai statsfile > output.cov

Using the statsfile generated by bx_stats.py from Harpy, will calculate "molecular coverage" across the genome. Molecular coverage is the "effective" alignment coverage if you treat a molecule inferred from linked-read data as one contiguous alignment, even though the reads that make up that molecule don't cover its entire length. Requires a FASTA fai index (the kind created with samtools faidx) to know the actual sizes of the contigs.

# parse_phaseblocks.py

parse_phaseblocks.py input > output.txt

Parse a phase block file from HapCut2 to pull out summary information

# rename_bam

rename_bam.py [-d] new_name input.bam

Rename a sam/bam file and modify the @RG tag of the alignment file to reflect the change for both ID and SM. This process creates a new file new_name.bam and you may use -d to delete the original file. Requires samtools.

# separate_singletons

separate_singletons -t threads -b barcode_tag -s singletons.bam input.bam > output.bam

Isolate singleton and non-singleton linked-read BAM records into separate files. Singletons refers to barcodes that have only one unpaired or paired read, meaning the barcode doesn't actually link and reads togeher.

# separate_validbx

separate_validbx invalid.bam input.bam > valid.bam

Split a BAM file with BX tags by tag validity

  • stdout: alignments with valid ACBD barcodes
  • first argument: alignments invalid ACBD barcodes