# Troubleshooting

Lots of stuff can go wrong during an analysis. The intent of this page is to guide you through navigating the inevitable errors associated with doing bioinformatics.

# Logging Streams

In shell programs, output streams are routed through standard out (stdout) and standard error (stderr) streams. When not using --quiet, Harpy will output some overview text, have an updating progress bar that disappears upon completion, and output some runtime stats at the end. Harpy will also output errors, if they occur. To make logging Harpy consistent and pain-free, Harpy outputs the progress bar to stdout, while all other text goes to stderr. What that means in practice is that if you run harpy with a stderr redirect to a log file, only the progress bar appears in your console, keeping the log file clean. We do not recommend redirecting stdout (the progress bar) to a file. Here's an example:

harpy align bwa data/sample_*.fq.gz 2> bwa.log

# Troubleshooting Harpy

Harpy has two steps: first it performs checks and validations, then it runs Snakemake.

# checks and validations

First, Harpy takes your command-line inputs and checks/validates the input files and parameters. If your parameters are not the correct type (e.g. a number where there should be a file), the program will error immediately and inform you that something isn't right.

Harpy option validations
Harpy option validations

If all the command-line options pass validation, then the workflow inputs will be validated with all kinds of scripts and checks internally. For example, an input genome FASTA will be checked to be a properly formatted FASTA file. We do our best to include an error message that guides you on how to fix things and try again. If there are errors you're receiving that you think could use better wording or more information, please let us know!

Harpy file validations
Harpy file validations

# snakemake validations

Once all the file validations pass, Harpy passes the baton over to Snakemake. Snakemake builds a workflow graph of the rules and performs its own checks. If you get an error before the workflow starts processing any data (there won't yet be a Snakemake log file created), then something is wrong with the Snakefile. Harpy may print the error to the terminal, but it's possible you won't see any Snakemake error text (let us know!). If no helpful error text is printed, then you should run the Snakemake command directly and explore the output. You can copy and paste the Snakemake command from the config.yaml file created by Harpy, specifically listed with workflow_call:. If it seems like something on our end, please open an issue and include the error text Snakemake provides.

copy and paste this command directly to see Snakemake error text
copy and paste this command directly to see Snakemake error text

# error during a workflow

Sometimes something goes wrong with one of the steps in a workflow. If/when that happens, Harpy will print the offending step and all the information Snakemake has regarding the failure. If the step had a log file, it will print the log information too, hopefully making it easier to figure out what's wrong.

error during a workflow
error during a workflow

# Common Issues

# installation issue

Conda is an awesome package manager, but was slow and used a ton of memory as dependencies increased. Recent (23.10+) versions of Conda now use the libmamba solver, the super-fast and super-lightweight solver from Mamba. If you're experiencing a suspiciously slow Harpy installation, either update Conda to at least version 23.10 or use Mamba.

# imputation or phasing failure

If you use bamutils clipOverlap on alignments that are used for the impute or phase modules, they will cause both programs to error. We don't know why, but they do.

Solution: Do not clip overlapping alignments for bam files you intend to use for the impute or phase modules. Harpy does not clip overlapping alignments, so alignments produced by Harpy should work just fine.

# SAM name and ID mismatch

Aligning a sample to a genome via Harpy will insert the sample name (based on the file name) into the alignment header (the @RG ID:name SM:name tag). It likewise expects, through various steps, that the sample names in resulting vcf files match the filenames of associated bam files. This creates problems when manually renaming alignment files after the creation of any vcf files. If you rename the bam file, the alignments will still have the original sample name hardcoded into the file header. Harpy will check for this and will preemtively warn you of a mismatch between file name and encoded sample name. Due to certain expectations of the workflow, this mismatch will absolutely cause things to fail, hence the pre-flight check.

Solution: If you need to rename a bam file, do so using the rename_bam script bundled with Harpy, which is a just a thin veneer over samtools addreplacerg with some extra validations.

rename_bam newname input.bam 

Call the script with no arguments to see the full usage instructions.

More cases will be added here as they become apparent to us