Haplotag data
What is haplotagging?
Linked-read sequencing exists to combine the throughput and accuracy of short-read sequencing with the long range haplotype information of long-read sequencing. Haplotagging is an implementation of linked-read sequencing developed by Meier et al. to:
- sequence a large number of samples
- achieve high molecular resolution
- do both within a reasonable budget
If you don't have haplotagged data, you can simulate some and try it out! Otherwise, Harpy will likely be of little to no use to you. See the haplotagging site for more information about haplotagging and why you might consider it for your study system.
Data Format
While barcodes are actually combinatorial bases, in the read headers they are represented
with the format AxxCxxBxxDxx
, where each barcode segment is denoted as Axx
(or Bxx
, etc.).
The capital letter denotes which preparation microwell plate the barcode segment is from (plate A
, B
, C
, or D
and xx
is a number between 00
and 96
corresponding to the well from that microplate.
So, the A14
segment would correspond with the barcode from Plate A
, well 14
A 00
barcode (e.g. C00
) indicates a missing/invalid barcode segment, which invalidates the entire barcode.
barcode protocol varieties
If you think haplotagging is as simple as exactly 96^4 unique barcodes, you would only be half-correct. The original haplotagging protocol in Meier et al. is good, but the authors (and others) have been working to improve this linked-read technology to improve things like reduce PCR duplicates, improve successful barcode sequencing and error correction, etc. As a result, a few updated variants of the beadtags will appear, each likely with their own way of properly demultiplexing the raw sequences. Harpy will aim to incorporate demultiplexing these beadtag variants as they become available.
where the barcodes go
Chromium 10X linked-reads use a format where the barcode is the leading 16 bases
of the forward (R1) read. However, haplotagging data does not use that format and many of the tools
implemented in Harpy won't work correctly with the 10X format. Once demultiplexed, haplotagging sequences should look
like regular FASTQ files of inserts and the barcode is stored in a BX:Z:AxxCxxBxxDxx
in the read header. Again, do not include the barcode in the sequence.
Read headers
Like mentioned, the haplotag barcode is expected to be stored in the BX:Z:
tag in the
read header. This information is retained through the various Harpy
steps. An example read header could look like:
Notably, only the sequence ID (@...
) and BX:Z:
tag are actually required. In the example
above, there are additional tags (RX:Z:
and QX:Z:
) which arent used by Harpy, but they
conform to the SAM comment spec (section 1.5)
. The takeaway is that the BX:Z:
tag can be anywhere in the read header
after the sequence ID as long as any tags after it conform to the SAM spec TAG:TYPE:VALUE
(see note).
Read comments that aren't following the TAG:TYPE:VALUE
SAM spec may cause downstream errors.
A caveat
The Leviathan structural variant caller expects the BX:Z:
tag at the end of the alignment
record, so if you intend on using that variant caller, you will need to make sure the BX:Z:
tag is the last one in the sequence alignment (BAM file). If you use any method within
harpy align
, the BX:Z:
tag is guaranteed to be at
the end of the alignment record.
Read length
Reads must be at least 30 base pairs in length for alignment. By default, the qc module removes reads <30bp.
Harpy generally doesn't require the input sequences to be in gzipped/bgzipped format, but it's good practice to compress your reads anyway. Compressed files are expected to end with the extension .gz .
Naming conventions
Unfortunately, there are many different ways of naming FASTQ files, which makes it difficult to accomodate every wacky iteration currently in circulation. While Harpy tries its best to be flexible, there are limitations. To that end, for the deumultiplex , qc , and align modules, the most common FASTQ naming styles are supported:
- sample names:
case insensitive
- you can mix and match special characters, but that's bad practice and not recommended
- examples:
<- not recommended
- forward: _F .F _1 .1 _R1_001 .R1_001 _R1 .R1
- reverse: _R .R _2 .2 _R2_001 .R2_001 _R2 .R2
- fastq extension: .fq .fastq case insensitive
- gzipped: supported and recommended
- not gzipped: supported
You can also mix and match different formats and styles within a given directory, although again, this isn't recommended. As a good rule of thumb for any computational work, you should be deliberate and consistent in how you name things.
Barcode thresholds
By the nature of linked read technologies, there will (almost always) be more DNA fragments than unique barcodes for them. As a result,
it's common for barcodes to reappear in sequences. Rather than incorrectly assume that all sequences/alignments with the same barcode
originated from the same orignal DNA molecule, linked-read aware programs include a threshold parameter to determine a "cutoff" distance
between alignments with the same barcode. This parameter can be interpreted as "if a barcode appears more than X
base pairs away from the
same barcode (on the same contig), then we'll consider them as originating from different molecules." If this threshold is lower, then
you are being more strict and indicating that alignments sharing barcodes must be closer together to be considered originating from the same
DNA molecule. Conversely, a higher threshold indicates you are being more lax and indicating barcodes can be further away from each other
and still be considered originating from the same DNA molecule. A threshold of 50kb-150kb is considered a decent balance, but you should choose
larger/smaller values if you have evidence to support them.
Potential SV detection obstruction
This kind of deconvolving method relies on alignment distances, which may worsen performance in finding structural variants larger than this threshold. For example, two reads originating from the same DNA molecule may have aligned quite far from each other due to mapping along the breakpoint of a very large inversion. If the inversion spans 3Mb, a barcode threshold of 100kb will likely incorrectly deconvolve the two reads and assume they shared a barcode by chance, which would hurt SV detection performance.