# Sort data by barcode

Pavel Dimens
Published 2024-11-05

You would think sorting data would be a no-brainer, and in most cases it is. You can use seqtk or seqkit to sort FASTQ/A files by their IDs, samtools to sort SAM/BAM/CRAM files by name or coordinates. However, in the world of linked-read data, sometimes you may need to sort your FASTQ (or BAM) files by the linked-read barcode. The way to do that wasn't initially obvious to the Harpy/haplotag team, so this article serves to make this knowledge widely available to linked-read adopters.

#Sorting Alignments

Let's start with BAM (or SAM/CRAM) files because the process is much simpler. Since the linked-read barcode is stored in a BX:Z tag (or less often as BC:Z:), we can use a little feature of samtools sort to guide the sort by the barcode:

-t TAG
Sort first by the value in the alignment tag TAG, then by position or name (if using -n or -N)

The -t option then makes it pretty trivial to sort an alignment file by barcode:

samtools sort -t BX file.bam > sorted.bam

The above command will accomplish sorting by whatever kind of barcode is listed in the BX:Z tag. If your barcode was in the BC:Z tag, you would use -t BC.

#Sorting FASTQ

Sorting FASTQ files by barcode is trickier, only because there aren't (to our knowledge!) any existing convenience methods to do it. Like any bioinformatics puzzle, you could probably solve it with a sophisticated AWK command, but HTSlib tools are so much more efficient and built for these exact purposes. The process to accomplish this includes 3 steps that will be shown at the end as a single pipe.

#1. convert FASTQ to SAM

Yep, we're solving our problem by doing a simple file conversion to SAM/BAM. That's the easiest way to do it, surprisingly. FASTQ files can be converted to unmapped BAM files using samtools import, which would also interleave the forward and reverse reads into a single file. The -T "*" argument preserves all the tags between file formats.

samtools import -T "*" sample_01.R1.fq sample_01.R2.fq > sample_01.sam

#2. sort the SAM by barcode

Exactly like shown above to sort a SAM/BAM file with samtools sort, we're going to do the same on the unmapped SAM file we just created:

samtools sort -O SAM -t BX sample_01.sam > sample_01.sort.sam

#3. convert SAM back to FASTQ

Now that the data have been sorted, we need to convert it back into forward and reverse FASTQ files using samtools fastq. The -T "*" argument once again preserves all the tags between file formats. The -1 and -2 arguments are the forward and reverse output FASTQ files, respectively.

samtools fastq -T "*" -1 sample_01.sort.R1.fq -2 sample_01.sort.R2.fq sample_01.sort.sam

#as a single pipe

Rather than splitting out these three processess, you can stream/pipe them in a single workflow:

samtools import -T "*" sample_01.R1.fq sample_01.R2.fq | samtools sort -O SAM -t BX | samtools fastq -T "*" -1 sample_01.sort.R1.fq -2 sample_01.sort.R2.fq