# Simulating variants

Pavel Dimens
Published 2024-09-30

You may want to (and are encouraged to) simulate data before investing in the costs associated with linked-read sample preparation and subsequent sequencing. Harpy provides both a variant and linked-read simulators and this tutorial serves to show a real-world workflow starting with a haploid genome and creating a diploid genome with the variants we want in it, which will then be fed into linked-read simulation. The process might seem a little roundabout due to the limitations of the underlying software, but it shouldn't be too bad to wrap your head around it! Ultimately, you will creating linked-reads from the resulting genome and then aligning those reads onto your original genome to identify those variants.

  • a genome assembly in FASTA format: .fasta .fa .fasta.gz .fa.gz case insensitive

To keep this tutorial simple, but with a certain amount of real-world complexity, let's say you are interested in inversions and whether your linked-reads will be able to identify inversions in your system. To simulate inversions, we will first simulate the inversions, then simulate introduce SNPs and small idnels. The SNPs and indels serve to create typical variants in the downstream linked-reads because it's highly unlikely that the only variants in your data are a few inversions.

# 1. Add random inversions

First, we will need to simulate some inversions and set a --heterozygosity value >0 to get a diploid genome as the output. If you wanted to manually create inversions in specific areas or with specific lengths, this would be a good starting point too since you could manually modify the resulting VCF to create the specific inversions you want (although use --only-vcf). We won't be covering that here, but you should hopefully be able to intuit how to do that by the end of this tutorial.

harpy simulate inversion --conda -n 20 -z 0.5 --min-size 30000 dmel.fa
  • -n is the number of random inversions (20)
  • --min-size is the minimum inversion size (30000)
    • default is 1000 bp, which was arbitrarily made bigger in this example
  • -z is the level of heterozygosity (0.5 = 50%)
  • -o is the name of the output directory
  • --conda is optional and a matter of runtime preference
  • GENOME.fa is your genome file
graph LR
    geno(haploid genome)-->|simulate inversion ... -z 0.5|hap(sim.fasta):::clean
    style geno fill:#ebb038,stroke:#d19b2f,stroke-width:2px
    style hap1 fill:#90c8be,stroke:#6fb6a9,stroke-width:2px
    style hap2 fill:#bd8fcb,stroke:#a460b7,stroke-width:2px
    classDef clean fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#b7c9ef,stroke-width:2px

The two haploid FASTA files in Simulate/inversion/diploid/

# 2. Add snps and indels

Let's say we wanted to simulate SNPs and indels like so:

  • 500 indels
  • 75k snps
  • introduce a heterozygosity of 10% for the variants

We will need to first create random SNPs and indels from the haploid genome, then let Harpy create the homo/heterozygotes. We can then use the VCFs of hom/het variants to simulate those genotypes (Step 3) onto the resulting diploid genome from Step 1.

The Harpy command to accomplish this is:

harpy simulate snpindel -m 500 -n 75000 -z 0.1 --only-vcf --conda -o sim_snpindel GENOME.fa
  • -m is the number of ranbom indels (500)
  • -n is the number of random snps (500)
  • -z is the level of heterozygosity (0.1 = 10%)
  • -o is the name of the output directory
    • specifying this so subsequent runs don't overwrite each other
  • --only-vcf is to skip the diploid genome simulation
  • --conda is optional and a matter of runtime preference
  • GENOME.fa is your genome file
graph LR
    geno(haploid genome)-->|simulate snpindel ... -z 0.1 --only-vcf|hap(sim.fasta):::clean
    style geno fill:#ebb038,stroke:#d19b2f,stroke-width:2px
    style snp1 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#90c8be,stro ke-width:2px
    style indel1 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#90c8be,stro ke-width:2px
    style snp2 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#bd8fcb,stroke-width:2px
    style indel2 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#bd8fcb,stroke-width:2px
    classDef clean fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#b7c9ef,stroke-width:2px

The two VCF files of SNPs and indels in the diploid/ subdirectory. There should be 2 haplotypes for SNPs and two for indels, depending on if you simulated one, the other, or both (up to a total of 4 VCF files).

# 3. Simulate "known" snps and indels onto the diploid genome with inversions

We will run Harpy twice, once for each haplotype, using the corresponding VCFs from Step 2:

The Harpy command to accomplish this is:

# haplotype 1
harpy simulate snpindel --conda --snp-vcf SNP.hap1.vcf --indel-vcf indel.hap1.vcf -o sim_snp_hap1 haplotype1.fa

# haplotype 2
harpy simulate snpindel --conda --snp-vcf SNP.hap2.vcf --indel-vcf indel.hap2.vcf -o sim_snp_hap2 haplotype2.fa
  • --snp-vcf is the vcf of snps for haplotype 1 (or 2) from Step 2
  • --indel-vcf is the vcf of indels for haplotype 1 (or 2) from Step 2
  • -o is the name of the output directory
  • --conda is optional and a matter of runtime preference
  • haplotypeX.fa is the two haploype genomes from Step 1
graph LR
    subgraph id1 ["Haplotype 1 inputs"]
    subgraph id2 ["Haplotype 2 inputs"]

    id1-->|simulate snpindel -s -i|genohap1(haplotype1.fasta final)
    id2-->|simulate snpindel -s -i|genohap2(haplotype2.fasta final)

    style id1 fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:2px
    style id2 fill:#f0f0f0,stroke:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:2px
    style geno1 fill:#90c8be,stroke:#6fb6a9,stroke-width:2px
    style geno2 fill:#bd8fcb,stroke:#a460b7,stroke-width:2px
    style snphap2 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#bd8fcb,stroke-width:2px
    style snphap1 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#90c8be,stro ke-width:2px
    style indelhap1 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#90c8be,stro ke-width:2px
    style indelhap2 fill:#f5f6f9,stroke:#bd8fcb,stroke-width:2px
    style genohap1 fill:#90c8be,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px
    style genohap2 fill:#bd8fcb,stroke:#000000,stroke-width:2px

The resulting genomes for both haplotype 1 and haplotype 2

# 5. Simulating linked-reads

Now that you have heterozygous haplotypes created from your starting genome, you can simulate linked-reads from it using harpy simulate linkedreads. A simple implementation of that could look like:

harpy simulate linkedreads --conda -t 4 HAP1.fa HAP2.fa
  • --conda is optional and a matter of runtime preference
  • -t is the number of threads to use (4)
  • HAP1.fa is the resulting genome from Step 3: haplotype 1
  • i.e. haplotype 1 with the simulated snps, indels, and inversions
  • HAP2.fa is the resulting genome from Step 3: haplotype 2
  • i.e. haplotype 2 with the simulated snps, indels, and inversions