
Using Structure

Background Structure is a brilliant intellectual work. Structure is also not user-friendly. In fact, one might go so far as to say it’s sometimes user-hostile. User hostility extremely unforgiving input file parsing manual is not terribly user friendly program is not user friendly GUI version …

Snakemake 101

Install Snakemake To simplify this tutorial, install Snakemake using conda. See the conda tutorial on this site if you need guidance for that process. Create conda environment with snakemake installation conda create -n snake_env Activate the environment and install snakemake into it conda activate …

Writing clean BASH …

While you don’t need to know everything about sh or bash to write functional code, you’ll find that like R, there are certain ways to write code that end up making life easier for you. This tutorial is meant to share some of those methods so you can have less headaches along the way. By …

Powerpoint Mastery

Take your powerpoint slides to the next level Let’s just clear the air and admit most presentations look bad. It’s an unfortunate thing, but it’s true. Most people who make slide-based presentations (i.e. PowerPoint) aren’t skilled at design (I’m not), have no formal …

Achieving Good Visuals

At conferences, you either present your work in the form of an oral presentation (powerpoint + speaking) or as a poster. While I cannot enforce what I consider good presentation skills, I can however try to encourage others to improve the visual elements of their presentations. I’ve seen lots …

Effective Presentation …

A lot of science happens behind closed doors, in sometimes cold and/or dark spaces. When you do see the light of day and have to communicate your research to the greater community (scientific or otherwise), you should be able to do so effectively. effectively? Seems obvious, right? Well, let’s …

Graphic Design Tutorial

Let’s make a graphic! As I’m hoping you’ve already read, I talk a lot about making your own graphics. Well, to supplement that, I want to include a brief tutorial on how to make the “minimal” style graphics that I use for my own work. This is done entirely in Inkscape …

Using Conda in your …

At some point, you may have come across tutorials and posts online referring to conda Anaconda or miniconda and just ignored it (we’ve all been there, no judgement). Hopefully by the end of this writing, you will be convinced that conda can be a big deal and make your life quite a bit easier. …